
LeadingWell maintains a catalog of standalone leadership & organizational development resources. These can be utilized as standalone programs or offered as an individual components of more customized organizational development projects.

The Executive Towers Simulation©:

This is a hands-on and highly interactive simulation game that is perfect for conferences, staff development and stand alone training. It is guaranteed to get your staff thinking and acting in new ways in regard to the organization’s strategy, ways in which organizational metrics may be causing inappropriate behaviors and the critical necessity of cross functional collaboration. The simulation can be purchased as a standalone event that includes a LearningWell facilitator or the simulation materials can be purchased separately as a kit that includes instructions for the trainer. Training of trainers services are also available.

Leadership Practices Inventory & Leadership Challenge Course© (LPI):


This is a leadership development instrument and associated training program developed by James Kouzes and Posner Barry and featured in the best selling book, The Leadership Challenge. The LPI instrument is a 360 degree feedback process that builds socio-emotional intelligence at the heart of effective leadership. The inventory and observer ratings are all conducted online. Results are then fully explored in the Leadership Challenge Workshop which is typically a 6 to 18 hour event facilitated by certified LPI trainers. This is a time tested process used world wide and has proven to be an excellent tool for leadership and organizational development.


Strength Deployment Inventory© (SDI):

Your copier has one. Don't you wish your employees came with an instruction manual?

This professional development program and associated suite of behavioral instruments focuses on one of the defining competencies of effective leadership – the ability to develop collaborative relationships within a diverse network of human relationships. The suite of instruments and associated training program helps managers, leaders and individual contributors to better communicate and manage the inevitable conflicts that often sap organizational performance and erode team morale. The process will improve team collaboration, motivational approaches used by team leads, and help leaders to avoid the dysfunctional impacts of their own and other’s overdone personal strengths. This process works very powerfully when used in combination with the Leadership Challenge program noted above. When conducted as a standalone event the SDI program can be completed in 3 to 6 hours.

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